
About Richard Cullinan

Richard grew up in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, which is on the outskirts of Sydney. He studied for and achieved an Honours Degree in Applied Chemistry, and has been working in the pharmaceutical quality assurance and regulatory compliance field for the majority of his career. He currently resides in Sydney’s inner west.

His Fencing background

Richard first formally studied fencing in 1997 under Peter Linich, Maestro di Scherma. Building on this classical foundation, he branched out into historical fencing systems, and is now the leading researcher and exponent of Renaissance Italian fencing systems within Australia, and recognised internationally for his research in Bolognese swordsmanship. He teaches courses in Italian spada and companion devices (Bolognese swordsmanship), or Italian rapier and companion devices, and has given seminars in most major cities of Australia and New Zealand.

Richard is currently the designated instructor for Italian Swordsmanship for Stoccata School of Defence.

He is also active within the historical fencing community of the SCA (Kingdom of Lochac, Barony of Rowany), and was recognised as the first member of the Order of the White Scarf of Lochac, and as the first fencing laurel within Lochac.

About the Website

The website is the central repository for Richard’s writing regarding Historical Fencing and related material. Information regarding his publications, teaching schedule and seminars shall also be maintained on this site.