Guardia Sotto il Bracchio

The Described Offensive Plays For Sotto il Bracchio

Offences Initiated With Thrust

Provocation With Thrust
Extend a thrust to the enemy’s hand.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 11)

Offensive Combination Using Thrust & Mandritto Or Riverso
From passo stretto, pass with the left foot throwing a punta riversa to the face, and then traverse right and throw a mandritto to the head or the forward leg, or better still attack with a riverso to head or leg.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 10)

Offences Initiated With Riverso

Offensive Action Using Riverso To Face
Throw a riverso to the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 11)

Offensive Combination Using Riverso Stepping Back
From passo stretto, step back with the left foot throwing a riverso (primarily to the face), ending in Coda Lunga Stretta. Defend the head with the buckler.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 11 & Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Rising Riverso
Throw a rising riverso from below to enemy’’s hand, hopping back so that after finishing the leap you will find yourself with even feet in Coda Lunga Alta.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Offensive Action with Riverso Without Moving Feet
From Sotto il Bracchio in passo largo with the left foot forward, lean toward your right side throwing a riverso, and on your recovery turn your hand over after the strike pulling back your body into Guardia d’Alicorno.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Riverso, Thrust, Riverso Feint and Mandritto
Slip back the right foot, throwing riverso to the sword hand. Pass with the right foot, extending a thrust to the face, and redoubling with a riverso feint to the face, but hitting with a mandritto to the left temple, ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta. Defend the head with the buckler.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Riverso And Montante
Slip your right foot back to the left, then pass with the right foot, throwing riverso to the face, ending in Coda Lunga Stretta. Redouble by slipping back the right foot, throwing a montante that ends in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Riverso and Falso
Slip back the right foot, throwing riverso to the sword hand, whilst defending the head with the buckler. Redouble by passing with the right foot, throwing a falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Riverso On The Retreat
Pass back with the right foot, throwing a riverso to the sword hand, ending in Coda Lunga Larga.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offences Initiated With Falso

Offensive Combination Using Falso Feint / Mandritto Combination
Throw a falso feint, but hit with a mandritto to the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 11)

Offensive Combination Using Falso Feint, Montante Thrust & Tramazzone Combination
Pass with the left foot, throwing a falso feint but hit with a montante thrust. Redouble by passing with the right foot, throwing a tramazzone, ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 11)

Offensive Combination Using Falso And Tramazzoni
Slip back the right foot, covering with the buckler, and then pass right, throwing a falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia. Redouble with two tramazzoni, ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)

Offensive Action Using Falso Traversato
Slip back the right foot to the left, then pass right throwing a falso traversato, ending in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)

The Described Defensive Plays For Sotto il Bracchio

Defences Against Actions Initiated With Thrust

Defence Against The Thrust To The Hand
When your enemy extends a thrust toward your sword hand, pass back with your right foot into Coda Lunga Alta.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 12)

Defences Against Actions Initiated With Riverso

Counterattack Against The Riverso To The Face
As the enemy throws a riverso to your face, pass left and counterattack with a riverso to his right temple.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 12)

Counterattack Against The Riverso On The Retreat
As your enemy throws the riverso whilst stepping back, pass left and counterattack with a riverso to the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 12)

Defences Against Actions Initiated With Falso

Parry with Slip & Riposte Against Falso Feint / Mandritto Combination
As your enemy feints with the falso, parry with a falso. When he turns the mandritto, pass back with your right foot cutting with a mezzo mandritto to his sword ending in Cingiara Porta di Ferro. Step forward with the right foot and riposte with a thrust to the face, redoubling with a mandritto to the lower legs.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 12)

Slip, Parry and Riposte Against Falso Feint & Thrust / Mandritto Combination
If your enemy feints with a falso going into Guardia Alta, immediately go into Guardia Alta. As he makes the montante thrust, pass back into Cingiara Porta di Ferro, and then parry the tramazzone passing forward with a falso and riposte with a mandritto to the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 12)

Defensive Withdrawal Actions

Defensive Withdrawal With Redoubled Montanti
From left foot forward stance, step back with the left foot throwing a montante from your left side ending in Guardia Alta. Redouble by slipping back the right foot, and throwing montante from your left hand side, ending in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 2, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Assaulti)

Defensive Withdrawal Into Guardia d’Alicorno
Pass back with the right foot, turn your body to the right and lift the sword up and turn it around your head, ending in Guardia d’Alicorno.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)

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