Lesson 12 – More Molinelli Applications
This lesson builds on the work from the previous lesson with molinelli. In this one we look at the horizontal molinelli applications which provide different results than the vertical molinelli of the previous lesson.
Molinelli Revision
- From each guard descending true edge molinello on a pass
- From each guard rising true edge molinello on a pass
- From each forward guard true edge molinello on a crosswise pass
- From each rear guard false edge lead descending molinello on a pass
False Edge Molinelli Deflection
- From Right Guard, Point Forward against the mandritto cut falso dritto to Right Head Guard on a volta stabile and continue the horizontal molinetto into a mandritto on a right step forward.
- From Left Guard, Point Forward against the riverso cut falso manco to Left Head Guard on a vlota stabile and continue the horizontal molinetto into a riverso on a left step forward.
- From Right Guard, Point Forward against the riverso cut mezzo riverso to Right Head Guard, and then push the tip over the sword and down sweeping with the false edge to the left (mandritto tondo falso) to expel the sword and then return with a riverso tondo to the flank.
- From Right Guard, Point Forward against the mandritto cut mezzo mandritto falso and then push the tip over the sword and down sweeping the true edge to the right (riverso tondo) to expel the sword and then return with a mandritto tondo falso to the flank.
- From Left Guard, Point Forward against the mandritto cut mezzo mandritto to left Head Guard and then push the tip over the sword and down sweeping the false edge to the right to expel the sword and then return with a mandritto tondo to the flank.
- From Left Guard, Point Forward against the riverso cut mezzo riverso falso and then push the tip over and down sweeping the true edge to the left to expel the sword and then return with a riverso tondo falso to the flank.
Defence of the Bridge
- Two on one drill, the two using single handed swords at either end, with the spadone wielder in the centre.
- Spadone wielder uses pass and turn with molinelli to to keep the swordsmen from crossing.
- Swordsmen attempt to hit the spadone wielder with a good down right blow.
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