Cut and Recover to Hanging Guard Partner Drill
- Partner drill, both in Right Guard, Point Forward.
- Attacker throws mandritto without moving the feet.
- Defender parries with Right Hanging Guard, and ripostes with mandritto.
- Attacker parries with Right Hanging Guard, and ripostes with mandritto.
- Repeat from 1, 5 times each.
- Switch to Left Guard, point Forwards and repeat the sequence throwing riverso with recovery to Left Hanging Guard.
4 Cuts Line Partner Drill
- Partner drill, attacker back to wall, defender facing wall.
- Attacker steps forward cutting the 4 true edge cuts (mandritto, riverso, rising mandritto, rising riverso).
- Defender retreats parrying with the 4 true edge cuts.
- Switch roles at the end of the hall.
3 Step Cutting Group Drill
- Begin in groups of 4, with one person in the center, and 3 people around them.
- The center person throws 3 mandritti, each on a right step working around the circle.
- The 3 defenders parry with Left Head Guard. (They are a focus target only)
- Attacker repeats with 3 riversi, each on a left step, then 3 rising mandritti on a right step, finishing with 3 rising riversi on a left step.
- Change roles and repeat with each member of the group taking the place of the attacker.
Note: This is Alfieri’s instructions from Chapter 16 on how to wield a spadone in an open street,
Counterattacks to the hand / forearm
- Partner Drill, each in Right Guard Point Forward.
- Attacker throws a mandritto to the head on a right step.
- Defender counterattacks with a mandritto to the forearms on a pass right at 45°.
- Repeat 5 times each.
- Repeat the sequence, starting from Left Guard , Point Forward, and throwing riversi.
Counterattacks to the Head
- Partner Drill, each in Right Guard Point Forward.
- Attacker throws a mandritto to the head on a right step.
- Defender counterattacks with a mandritto tondo (helicopter cut)to the head on a pass right at 45°.
- Repeat 5 times each.
- Repeat the sequence, starting from Left Guard , Point Forward, and throwing riversi.