Offences At Gioco Stretto – False Edge To False Edge
Actions Initiated With Thrust
Offensive Action With The Thrust
From a right foot forward stance, pass left, extending a thrust to the face with the hand turning into second.
(Libro 3, 14th action of false edge to false edge)
Actions Initiated With Mandritto
Offensive Combination Using Mandritto Feint And Presa
From a left foot forward stance, pass with the right foot throwing a mandritto feint to the head, however allow the sword to follow through to the ground behind you, and pass with the left foot pushing your head under his right armpit, and your hand to the inside the thigh of his leg, allowing you to lift him amd throw him behind your shoulders.
(Libro 3, 3rd action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination Using Mandritto Feint And Riverso
From a right foot forward stance, throw a mandritto feint to the left temple, but then let your sword turn with a molinetto and pass left hitting with a riverso to the right temple.
(Libro 3, 4th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination Using Mandritto Feint And Presa (The Perugian Manoeuvre)
From a left foot forward stance, pass with the right foot feinting with a mandritto to the head, but instead attack him with the Perugian Manoeuvre. The Perugian Manoeuvre is where you cast away your weapons, and grab the enemy strongly with both arms, and then without letting go, immediately drop to a seated position, pushing him with your feet in his belly to throw him strongly behind you.
(Libro 3, 9th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination With Mandritto And Riverso
From a left foot forward stance, pass right throwing a winning mandritto to his sword and then a riverso to the neck as the left foot comes behind, then pass back with the right foot.
(Libro 3, 10th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination Using Mandritto Feint &Riverso, Invitation And Fendente Or Thrust
From a left foot forward stance, pass right throwing a mandritto feint, but hit with a riverso to the thigh, ending with your upper body uncovered to invite an attack. When the enemy throws the blow, parry by extending into Guardia di Testa, and then take his sword to the inside of yours with your buckler hand, throwing a fendente to the head or a thrust to the face.
(Libro 3, 11th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination Using Mandritto, Riverso Feint & Mandritto
From a right foot forward stance, throw a mandritto to the head. This will be parried if the enemy is a good player. Immediately redouble with a riverso feint, but hit with a mandritto to the head.
(Libro 3, 12th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination With Mandritto Feint And Riverso
From a right foot forward stance, throw a mandritto feint to the head, but hit with a riverso made by turning your hand inside the opponent’s blade (in the gesture of a drilled thrust).
(Libro 3, 13th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination With Mandritto Feint And Riverso To The Thigh
From a right foot forward stance, throw a mandritto feint to the head, and when the enemy moves to defend himself, hit with a riverso to the thigh, ending in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 3, 15th action of false edge to false edge)
Actions Initiated With Riverso
Offensive Combination Using Riverso & Mandritto Fendente
From a right foot forward stance, pass with the left foot throwing a rising riverso, then redouble traversing right and throwing a mandritto fendente.
(Libro 3, 7th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination With Riverso Feint And Mandritto
From a right foot forward stance, throw a riverso feint to the head, but hit with a mandritto to the flank, ending in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 3, 16th action of false edge to false edge)
Actions Initiated With Falso
Offensive Combination Using Falso And Riverso
From a right foot forward stance, turn your false edge across the left temple in the manner of a tramazzone, and redouble by passing back with your right foot and throwing riverso to the right temple.
(Libro 3, 1st action of false edge to false edge)
Actions Initiated With Presa
Offensive Combination Using Kick And Fendente
Since you are in gioco stretto, you can kick your enemy in the belly with the right foot. Redouble passing back with the right foot and throwing fendente to the head.
(Libro 3, 2nd action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination Using Presa And Falso
From a right foot forward stance, point your sword hand up from beneath on the inside of his sword hand, knocking that down enough that you can stick your false edge into his neck.
(Libro 3, 5th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination Using Buckler Presa And Riverso
From a right foot forward stance, pass left pushing your buckler to the outside of his sword hand, and hitting with a riverso to the head or neck.
(Libro 3, 6th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination Using Presa, Falso And Riverso
From a left foot forward stance, pass right throwing your sword under the enemy’s sword and checking their sword hand by putting your buckler under their sword hand and then hitting with a falso to the left side of the neck. As the left leg comes behind to complete the pass, extend into Guardia di Faccia, and then pass back with the right foot throwing an extended riverso to the temple.
(Libro 3, 8th action of false edge to false edge)
Offensive Combination With Presa (Buckler Check) And Mandritto
From a right foot forward stance, place your buckler under the enemy’s sword and simultaneously pass left, throwing a mandritto to the right thigh.
(Libro 3, 17th action of false edge to false edge)
Defences At Gioco Stretto – False Edge To False Edge
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Thrust
Slip Against The Thrust
When the enemy passes extending the thrust, pass back with the right foot into Coda Lunga Alta.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 14th action of false edge to false edge)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Mandritto
Counter Attack Against The Mandritto Feint And Presa Combination
(Right foot forward stance assumed.) Do not respond to the enemy’s mandritto feint, but when your enemy drops his sword to make the presa, pass back with your right foot and throw a riverso to the neck.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 3rd action of false edge to false edge)
Parry And Counterattack Against Mandritto Feint And Riverso
When your enemy throws the mandritto feint, will close your sword hand together with that of your buckler. When your enemy passes to throw the riverso, counterattack by casting your left leg behind your right and throwing mezzo mandritto to the left temple, ending in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 4th action of false edge to false edge)
Counterattack Against Mandritto Feint And Presa (The Perugian Manoeuvre)
When the enemy passes throwing the mandritto feint, watch his hands to see if he moves to make the presa. When the enemy casts aside his weapons, pass back with your right foot and throw a riverso to the head.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 9th action of false edge to false edge)
Parry And Counterattack Against Mandritto And Riverso Combination
When the enemy passes right to throw the mandritto, strongly parry with your true edge. When the enemy throws the riverso, counterattack with a mezzo mandritto to the face.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 10th action of false edge to false edge)
Parry And Counterattack Against Mandritto Feint &Riverso
When the enemy throws the mandritto feint, do not react, but when the enemy throws the riverso to the leg, parry by turning the point of your sword towards the ground. Riposte with a fendente to the head.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 11th action of false edge to false edge)
Parry And Riposte With Presa Against Mandritto, Riverso Feint & Mandritto
When the enemy throws the mandritto, parry with a rising riverso that ends in Guardia di Testa. Riposte by immediately press down his sword hand with your buckler hand, striking him in the upper body, or wherever appears best to you, with a riverso.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 12th action of false edge to false edge)
Counterthrust Against Mandritto Feint And Riverso Combination
When the enemy throws the mandritto feint, do not make any action. When the enemy redoubles with the “drilled” riverso, slip back the right foot, extending into Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 13th action of false edge to false edge)
Counterattack Against The Mandritto Feint And Riverso To The Thigh Combination
When the enemy throws the mandritto feint, do not react. When the enemy throws the riverso to the thigh, slip back the right leg throwing a riverso to the sword arm.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 15th action of false edge to false edge)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Riverso
Parry and Counterattack Against Riverso & Mandritto Fendente Combination
When your enemy passes left and throws a riverso, extend into Guardia di Faccia, rolling your buckler under the sword hand to cover the blow. When your enemy passes right to throw mandritto, pass back with the right foot and throw mezzo mandritto to the sword hand.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 7th action of false edge to false edge)
Slip And Counterattack Against The Riverso Feint And Mandritto Combination
When the enemy throws the riverso feint, pass back with the right foot. When the enemy throws the mandritto to the flank, ruin his sword hand with a mezzo mandritto accompanied by your buckler.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 16th action of false edge to false edge)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Falso
Counterattack Against Falso And Riverso Combination
When your enemy turns the falso in the manner of a tramazzone, pass with the left foot, throwing a rising riverso to the right temple.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 1st action of false edge to false edge)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Presa
Counterattack Against Kick And Fendente Combination
When your enemy moves to kick you in the belly, hit the kicking leg in the shin with your buckler.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 2nd action of false edge to false edge)
Parry Against Presa And Falso Combination
When your enemy turns his sword hand, push his sword arm toward his left side with your hand, stifling his action.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 5th action of false edge to false edge)
Counter Presa Against Buckler Presa And Riverso Combination
When your enemy passes to give the buckler presa, hit his approaching arm with the edge of your buckler.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 6th action of false edge to false edge)
Slip Against Presa, Falso And Riverso Combination
When the enemy pulls their sword back under yours to check with the buckler, pass back with the right foot into Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 8th action of false edge to false edge)
Slip And Counterattack Against The Presa (Buckler Check) And Mandritto Combination
When the enemy moves to buckler check your sword, pass back with the right foot, throwing a mandritto to the sword hand, accompanied by your buckler
(Libro 3, Counter of the 17th action of false edge to false edge)