Offences At Gioco Stretto – True Edge To True Edge
Actions Initiated With Thrust
Direct Attack With Thrust To The Head
Pull back your sword, and pass left extending a thrust to the right temple, accompanied by your buckler. This action also counters every deadly blow.
(Libro 3, 15th action of true edge to true edge)
Actions Initiated With Riverso
Direct Cut To Head With Riverso
Pass left and throw riverso to right temple
(Libro 3, 1st action of true edge to true edge)
Direct Cut To Head With Riverso Followed By Blade Shunt And Fendente
Pass left and throw riverso to the right temple. If the enemy parries the attack, hit the outside of his sword with your hilt or guard, and then throw fendente to the head.
(Libro 3, 3rd action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso And Buckler Strike On A Pass
Pass left, throwing a riverso to the right temple, and immediately give him the edge of your buckler in his face.
(Libro 3, 9th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso, Mandritto Feint & Riverso
Pass with the left foot, throwing a riverso to the right temple. Redouble by slipping back the left foot and throwing a mandritto feint, but hit by passing left, and throwing a riverso.
(Libro 3, 10th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using R_verso, Kick And Mandritto
Throw a riverso to the right temple, and kick him in the belly with your left foot. Redouble by passing back with the left foot and throwing mandritto to the head.
(Libro 3, 11th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Action With Riverso Traversale To The Thigh
Pass left and throw a riverso traversale to the right thigh, ending in Guardia di Testa.
(Libro 3, 13th action of true edge to true edge)
Direct Attack With Riverso To Head Using Presa
Pass left, taking your enemy’s sword at the middle with your buckler hand and throw a riverso to the right temple.
(Libro 3, 16th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso And Presa
Pass left with your right foot and throw a riverso to the right temple. Then grasp your sword blade with your buckler hand and via the inside route, give them a punch to the face or yank of the hair with your sword hand.
(Libro 3, 17th action of true edge to true edge)
Actions Initiated With Rising Riverso
Offensive Combination Using Rising Riverso And Mandritto
Pass with the left foot, throwing rising riverso to sword arm, and then redouble passing back with left foot, throwing mandritto to face.
(Libro 3, 2nd action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Rising Riverso, Mustachio Feint And Serpentine Arm Bar Presa
Pass with the left foot throwing a rising riverso to the sword arm. Feint a punch to the face with the buckler, and when he moves his head shoot the buckler arm inside his sword arm, and turning over then under the arm for the arm bar, with his sword arm trapped under your armpit. Step back behind your left foot with your right foot to prevent him hitting you with his buckler.
(Libro 3, 6th action of true edge to true edge)
Actions Initiated With Riverso Feint
Offensive Combination Using Riverso Feint, Pommel Hook and Riverso
Throw a riverso feint, then pass left turning your pommel over the outside of enemy’s wrist to drive their hand down, hitting with riverso to the head.
(Libro 3, 4th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso Feint And Fendente Using A Step And Slip
Pass with left foot, throwing a riverso feint, then slip back the left foot, hitting with fendente to the head.
(Libro 3, 5th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso Feint And Mandritto
Throw a riverso feint, but hit with mandritto to the leg, recovering into Guardia di Faccia
(Libro 3, 7th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso Feint, Buckler Check And Mandritto
Throw a riverso feint, and then pass with the left foot placing you buckler under their sword, throwing mandritto to the leg as the right foot completes the pass.
(Libro 3, 8th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso Feint, Buckler Check And Thrust
Pass left throwing a riverso feint, and then pull back your sword hand, then place your buckler under the enemy’s sword hand and thrust to the face.
(Libro 3, 12th action of true edge to true edge)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso Feint And Fendente On A Pass And Traverse
Pass with the left foot throwing a riverso feint to the head, but hit traversing right with a fendente to the head. Finish by passing back with the right foot.
(Libro 3, 14th action of true edge to true edge)
Defences At Gioco Stretto – True Edge To True Edge
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Thrust
Parry Riposte Against Thrust To The Head
Parry the thrust with your false edge, and riposte with a mandritto to the face.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 15th action of true edge to true edge)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Riverso
Counterattack Against Riverso To Temple
When your enemy passes to throw riverso to your right temple, throw mezzo mandritto to the head, ending in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 1st action of true edge to true edge)
Parry And Riposte By Cut-Over Against Riverso, Blade Shunt And Fendente
When your enemy passes to throw riverso to your right temple, parry with the true edge of your sword. When your enemy goes to hit your sword with his hilt, swiftly lift up your own sword to avoid the hit and riposte with a riverso to the head.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 3rd action of true edge to true edge)
Defence Of The Riverso And Buckler Strike Combination
When your enemy passes to throw riverso, pass back with your right foot into Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 9th action of true edge to true edge)
Parry And Counterattack Against The Riverso, Mandritto Feint & Riverso Combination
When your enemy steps left to throw riverso to your right temple, parry with the true edge of your sword. When your enemy throws the mandritto feint on a slip, extend into Guardia di Faccia. Counterattack the following riverso by traversing right and throwing a mezzo mandritto to the left temple.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 10th action of true edge to true edge)
Parry And Counterattack Against Riverso, Kick And Mandritto Combination
When your enemy throws the riverso, parry it with the true edge, and when your enemy goes to kick you, extend you buckler into his shin, then go into Guardia di Faccia, which will defend against the following mandritto.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 11th action of true edge to true edge)
Counterattack Against The Riverso Traversale To The Thigh
As the opponent passes to throw the riverso traversale, pass back with the right foot throwing a riverso traversale to the sword arm.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 13th action of true edge to true edge)
Counterattack Against Riverso To Head Using Presa
When the enemy atrts to pass left to make the presa, counterattack to the face with a mezzo mandritto.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 16th action of true edge to true edge)
Parry And Counterattack Against Riverso And Presa
When the enemy passes with the riverso, parry by turning your true edge towards the enemy’s sword. When the enemy grabs his sword to hit you, hit his arm with your buckler, and riposte with a mandritto to the face.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 17th action of true edge to true edge)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Rising Riverso
Buckler Parry And Riposte Against Rising Riverso And Mandritto Combination
When your enemy steps left to throw the rising riverso, lower your buckler to cover the arm, then as your enemy steps back to throw mandritto, throw a riverso traversale to the right temple.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 2nd action of true edge to true edge)
Buckler Parry And Counter Presa With Riposte Against Rising Riverso, Mustachio Feint And Serpentine Arm Bar Presa
When your enemy steps left to throw the rising riverso, extend your sword hand forward, using your buckler to cover the arm. When your enemy throws the mustachio feint, extend the sword hand well forward to invite the presa, and then as your enemy shoots through to make the arm bar, beat his buckler arm down forcefully, causing him to drop his buckler in pain. Riposte with a riverso to the face.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 6th action of true edge to true edge)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Riverso Feint
Buckler Parry And Riposte Against Riverso Feint, Pommel Hook And Riverso Combination
Do not respond to the initial riverso feint, and as your enemy steps forward to make the pommel hook, spoil_his action by placing your buckler under his sword, and riposte to the right thigh with a riverso traversale.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 4th action of true edge to true edge)
Defensive Parry Against Riverso Feint And Fendente Combination Using A Step And Slip
Do not respond to the initial riverso feint, and as your enemy steps back to make the fendente, throw a rising riverso that ends in Guardia di Testa.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 5th action of true edge to true edge)
Counterattack On Retreat Against Riverso Feint And Mandritto Combination
Do not respond to the initial riverso feint, but when your enemy throws the mandritto, pass back with your right foot, throwing mandritto traversale to the sword arm.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 7th action of true edge to true edge)
Counterattack On Retreat Against Riverso Feint, Buckler Check And Mandritto Combination
Do not respond to the initial riverso feint, but watch his hands, and when your enemy steps with his left foot to give you the mandritto, pass back your right foot, throwing a mezzo mandritto to his sword hand.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 8th action of true edge to true edge)
Parry Against The Riverso Feint, Buckler Check And Thrust
Parry the riverso feint with your true edge, and when he pulls his sword back, parry the sword again with your true edge driving the sword towards your left hand side. Riposte with a falso to the face.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 12th action of true edge to true edge)
Cover And Counterattack Against Riverso Feint And Fendente On A Pass And Traverse
When the enemy throws the riverso feint, close together your sword and buckler. When the enemy traverses to throw the fendente, counterattack with a riverso to the right temple.
(Libro 3, Counter of the 14th action of true edge to true edge)