The Described Offensive Plays For Guardia di Faccia
Offences Initiated With Thrust
Attack With Thrust To Face
When both in Guardia di Faccia, extend a thrust into his face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 7)
Offensive Combination Using Thrust, Mandritto Feint & Riverso, Mandritto combination
From a right foot forward stance, pass with left foot and thrust to face with hand in second. Then traverse with right foot, feinting to give mandritto, but striking with a riverso to the right temple, and redouble with mezzo mandritto as the left foot comes behind ending in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
Offences Initiated With Mandritto
Offensive Action With Mandritto
Provoke him with a strong mandritto.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 7)
Offensive Combination Using Mandritto Feint, Riverso and Mandritto
Throw a mandritto feint, but hit by passing with the left foot and throwing riverso. Redouble by passing back with the left foot and throwing mandritto that ends in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
Offensive Combination Using Mandritto Feint and Mandritto
From a left foot forward stance, pass with the right foot, feinting a mandritto to the head, but hitting with mandritto to the leg. As you make the blow, drop your body a little, going into Guardia di Faccia, to defend against the riposte.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
Offences Initiated With Riverso
Attack With Rising Riverso Feint & Mandritto Combination
Throw a rising riverso feint, but hit with a mandritto.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 7)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso & Mandritto Feint, Montante Thrust, Riverso, Mandritto & Riverso
From a left foot forward stance, throw a riverso feint, then pass with the right foot and throw a mandritto feint to the head, but hit with a traverse left giving a montante thrust to the face. Redouble by passing right, and throwing a rising riverso and a mandritto that ends in Sopra il Bracchio. Pass back with the right foot and throw a riverso to the sword hand, ending in Coda Lunga Alta.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso, Stoccata and Montante
Pass left to a left foot forward stance, and then throw riverso to the face. Redouble with a stoccata, lifting yourself gracefully with a hop backwards, then pass right throwing a montante that ends in Guardia Alta, and then slip the right foot behind the left.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso Feint and Fendente
Pass with the left foot, throwing a riverso feint to the right temple, but hit with a traverse with the right foot and a fendente to the face that ends in Porta di Ferro Larga, and then immediately pass back with the right foot, defending the head with the buckler.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
Offensive Combination Using Riverso and Stoccata
Pass left and throw a riverso to the right temple, covering the head with the buckler. Extend a stoccata to the face and leap back into Coda Lunga Alta.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
Offences Initiated With Fendente
Offensive Combination Using Fendente and Two Tramazzoni
Throw a fendente overhead, and redouble with two tramazzoni, ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta, and defend the head with the buckler.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
Offensive Action with Fendente
Pass with the right foot into Guardia Alta, and then throw fendente to the head, ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta, defending the head with the buckler.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
Offences Initiated With Tramazzone
Offensive Provocation With Tramazzone
Provoke him with a tramazzone.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 7)
Offensive Combination Using Tramazzone On A Gathering Pass
From a right foot forward stance, pass with your left foot toward your right side (gather to your right foot), and throw a tramazzone ending in Cingiara Porta di Ferro in passo stretto.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
Offensive Combination Using Redoubled Tramazzoni
Throw two tramazzoni, so that the last ends in Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
Offensive Combination Using Tramazzone & Montante combination
Throw a tramazzone to the head ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta. Redouble by slipping your right foot back to your left and throw a montante ending in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
Offensive Combination Using Tramazzone, Tramazzone Feint and Mandritto
Throw a tramazzone to the head, and redouble with a tramzzone feint to the head, but hit with a mandritto to the leg, ending in Porta di Ferro Larga
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
Offensive Action Using Tramazzone
Traverse right, and throw a tramazzone ending in Cingiara Porta di Ferro.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
Offences Initiated With Falso
Offensive Action With Back Beat
With the false edge of your sword, beat the enemy’s blade, striking him in the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 7)
The Described Defensive Plays For Guardia di Faccia
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Thrust
Counterattack Against Thrust To Face
Traversing left, disengage under enemy’s incoming blade, turning hand into second and counterthrust to face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 8)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Mandritto
Defence of Mandritto With Stop Thrust
As he lifts his hand to cut mandritto, stifle the blow with a thrust to the hand.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 8)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Riverso
Defence of Rising Riverso Feint & Mandritto Combination With Buckler Cover & Counterattack
Cover the rising riverso feint by bringing the hands back together, and as he makes the mandritto, pass back with the right foot and counterattack to his sword hand with mezzo mandritto.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 8)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Tramazzone
Defence of Tramazzone With False Edge Counterattack
Parry tramazzone with a falso that turns that well toward his left side, which will also give him the edge in the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 8)
Defences Against Actions Initiated With Falso
Defence of Back Beat & Thrust (Parry with true edge)
As he makes the back beat, turn your sword hand into seconde and you will remain secure.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 8)
General Defences Against Head Blows
Defensive Combination Using Buckler Parry
From a left foot forward stance, turn your hand into Coda Lunga Alta, defending the head blow with your buckler.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
Defensive Combination Using True Edge Parry With Riposte
Extend into Guardia di Testa, riposting with a mandritto that ends in Sopra il Bracchio, with the right foot slipping back to the left. Redouble passing left with a rising falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)