Guardia d’Alicorno
The Guard as described by Manciolino
Manciolino does not specifically describe this Guardia as one of his “Ten Famous Guardie”, but does instead use the term in passing in Libro 2 during the first and second assaults. For Manciolino, this is a guardia that is an end position from which another blow is immediately launched.
From Sopra il Braccio, slip the right foot back to the left, then pass right with the right foot, lifting the hand into Guardia d’Alicorno and then throwing a mandritto to the face, ending in Sotto il Braccio.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
From Sotto il Bracchio in passo largo with the left foot forward, half turn your body towards your right, bringing your sword out and around your head to end in Guardia d’Alicorno.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
From Sotto il Bracchio in passo largo with the left foot forward, lean toward your right side throwing a riverso, and on your recovery turn your hand over after the strike pulling back your body into Guardia d’Alicorno.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)
Note: The offensive plays showing passage through Guardia d’Alicorno are shown in the plays for Guardia Alta.
The Described Defensive Plays For Guardia d’Alicorno
Counterthrust With Slip
From a passo stretto stance, step back with the left foot extending a rising thrust that continues into Guardia Alta as the right foot comes back to the left.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)
Guardia Coda Lunga Larga
The Guard as described by Manciolino
Manciolino does not specifically describe this Guardia as one of his “Ten Famous Guardie”, but does instead use the term in passing in Libro 2 during the third assault. For Manciolino, this is a guardia that is an end position from which another blow is immediately launched.
From Guardia Alta, throw a mandritto to the leg that ends in Sotto il Braccio, defending your head with the buckler. Redouble by stepping back with your right foot, throwing a riverso to the sword hand that ends in Coda Lunga Larga.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)
The Described Offensive Plays For Coda Lunga Larga
Offensive Combination Using Thrust, Riverso Feint & Fendente
Slip your left foot back to the right, then pass forward with the right foot extending a thrust to the face. Redouble with a traverse left, throwing a riverso feint but hitting with a fendente to the face that ends in Porta di Ferro Larga, with the left foot coming behind the right after the fendente has completed.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)