Guardia Porta di Ferro Stretta

The Described Offensive Plays For Porta di Ferro Stretta

Offences Initiated With Thrust

Offensive Combination Using Thrust And Redoubled Tramazzoni
Pass with your left foot extending a thrust to the face, and then traverse right, turning two tramazzoni, ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta
(Libro 1, Capitolo 13 & Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Thrust And Riverso Feint & Mandritto
Extend a thrust to his face, and passing left, throw a riverso feint to the head, but give him a mandritto to the head or to the leg.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 13)

Offensive Combination Using Thrust And Rising Riverso & Mandritto
Pass with the left foot, extending a thrust, and then traverse right throwing rising riverso to the arms, and mandritto to the head or leg. For your protection, pass back with the right foot, throwing riverso to the sword hand.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 13)

Offensive Combination Using Thrust And Riverso
Pass left and throw a thrust to the face, and as your enemy goes to parry it, throw a riverso to the thigh, ending in Guardia di Testa.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offences Initiated With Mandritto

Offensive Combination Using Mandritto and Riverso
Extend your sword into Guardia di Testa, and then throw a mandritto that ends in Sopra il Bracchio. Immediately redouble by passing back with the right foot, throwing a riverso to the sword hand, ending Coda Lunga (Coda Lunga Alta is assumed).
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Offensive Action Using Mandritto On A Slip
Slip the right foot back, turning the sword hand into Coda Lunga Stretta, and then throw mezzo mandritto to the hand, ending in Cingiara Porta di Ferro.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Offences Initiated With Tramazzone

Offensive Action Using Tramazzone
Throw a tramazzone.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 13)

Offensive Combination Using Tramazzone Feint and Riverso
Throw a tramazzoni feint, but hit with a riverso to the thigh.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 13)

Offences Initiated With Falso

Offensive Action Using Montante On A Pass
Pass left, throwing a montante that ends in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)

Offensive Action Using Montante On A Slip
Slip back the right foot, throwing a montante that ends in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 2, 1st & 2nd & 3rd Assaults)

Offensive Combination Using Montante And Mandritto
Slip back the right foot, throwing montante, ending in Guardia Alta. Redouble by passing right and throwing a mezzo mandritto to end in Guardia di Faccia.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

The Described Defensive Plays For Porta di Ferro Stretta

General Defences

Counterattack Against Mandritto Or Riverso
Counterattack either a mandritto or riverso by passing back with the right foot and throwing riverso to the sword hand.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 13)

Buckler parry and riposte with slip
Defend your head with your buckler, riposte by slipping back your right foot, throwing a montante that ends in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 2, 1st Assault)

Defence Against Attacks Initiated With Thrust

Parry – Riposte Against The Thrust & Tramazzone Combination
When the enemy passes with the left foot to thrust to the face, parry the thrust ending in Guardia di Faccia. When the enemy turns the tramazzone, lower your sword a little in Guardia di Faccia, covering the blow with the true edge, and then pass left with the left foot, hitting with a riverso to the right temple, bringing the right foot behind the left.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 14)

Parry And Counterattack Against The Thrust, Riverso Feint & Mandritto Combination
When he extends the thrust, parry with a falso, then as he feints riverso , make a half turn of the hand, and when the enemy throws the mandritto to the leg, counterattack with a mezzo mandritto to the sword hand.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 14)

Defence Of The Thrust And Riverso
When the enemy extends the thrust, pass back into Cingiara Porta di Ferro Stretta. When the enemy passes right throwing the riverso feint & mandritto, parry the mandritto with a falso and riposte stepping forward with the right foot to give a mandritto to the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 14)

Parry, Slip And Riposte Against The Thrust And Head Blow Combination
When the enemy throws the thrust, parry it with a falso. When the enemy passes with the right foot to throw the head blow (mandritto, fendente or riverso), pass back with your right foot to slip the blow. Riposte by throwing a mandritto that crosses the brocchiero with the sword (mandritto tondo), and pass back with the left foot into Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 9)

Parry And Counterattack On A Slip Against The Thrust And Mandritto Combination
When the enemy passes with the left foot extending the thrust, parry it with a falso. When the enemy passes with the right to give mandritto to the leg, pass back with your right foot, throwing a mandritto within his arm to his leg. Pass back with the left foot into Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 9)

Slip, Parry And Riposte Against the Thrust And Head Blow Combination
When the enemy passes to give the thrust, slip the blow by passing back your right foot ending in Cingiara Porta di Ferro. When he traverses to throw the head blow (mandritto or fendente), pass right and parry with a rising falso traversale, and riposte with a riverso to the leg. Pass back, extending a thrust to the face, covering the sword hand with your buckler, and ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 9)

Parry Riposte Against The Thrust And Mandritto To Leg Combination
When the enemy passes left with the thrust, parry the blow with a falso. When the enemy traverses to throw the mandritto to the leg, pass forward and right with your left foot, parrying with your falso below your buckler, and riposting with a riverso on the leg. Redouble with a stoccata to the face and then jump back ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 9)

Parry And Riposte Against The Thrust And Riverso
When the enemy passes with the left foot to throw the thrust, parry with the false edge without moving your feet. When the enemy throws the riverso, pass left parrying the riverso by turning your true edge towards his sword, and defending your head with your buckler. Riposte by checking the enemy’s sword with your buckler and throwing a stocatta to the face or chest, and then jump backwards, ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 9)

Parry Riposte Against Thrust & Riverso To The Leg Combination
When the enemy passes left to throw the punta, traverse with the left foot and parry with a falso, ending in Guardia di Faccia. When the enemy throws the riverso to the leg, pass right and parry with a rising mezzo riverso, and riposte with a mandritto traversale to the sword arm, defending the head with your buckler. Pass back with the right foot into Guardia di Faccia, and then pass back the left foot ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 9)

Defence Against Attacks Initiated With Mandritto

Parry Riposte Against The Left-Handed Mandritto To The Leg
When the left-handed enemy throws a mandritto to the leg, pass left and parry by turning the point of the sword to the ground and riposte with a stoccata to the face.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 10)

Counterattack Against The Left-Handed Mandritto & Riverso Combination
When the left-handed enemy throws the mandritto, counterattack with a riverso to the sword hand. When the left-handed enemy throws a riverso, throw a mandritto to the sword hand. The general rule against a left hander is th_t you should always move against the sword of the left hander.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 10)

Slip and Counterattack Against Mandritto
When the enemy throws a mandritto to the head, step back with the left foot throwing a mandritto to the sword hand.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 10)

Note: This is as directed by Manciolino, who I believe has neglected to mention that the feet are in passo stretto following a gather forward with the left foot. This is because we are told to return the left foot back.

Counterattack Against The Mandritto To The Leg
When the enemy throws the mandritto to the leg, gather forward with your left foot, hitting the sword hand with a mezzo mandritto. The enemy should now be in Coda Lunga Alta, allowing you to throw a stoccata without moving the feet. Reduce your left foot beside the right, and then pass with the right throwing an imbroccata, and slip the right foot back to the left, ending in Sotto Braccio.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 10)

Defence Against Attacks Initiated With Tramazzone

Parry – Riposte against the Tramazzone
When the enemy turns the hand to throw the tramazzone, throw a falso to his left side, which will cover the blow. Riposte with a true edge cut to the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 14)

Parry And Counterattack Against The Tramazzone Feint And Riverso Combination
When the enemy throws the tramazzone feint, extend into Guardia di Faccia. When the enemy throws the riverso to your thigh, pass back with your right foot and throw a riverso to his sword arm.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 14)

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