Guardia Porta di Ferro Larga

The Described Offensive Plays For Porta di Ferro Larga

Offences Initiated With Thrust

Offensive Combination Using Redoubled Thrusts & Fendente Combination
Pass left with your left foot and thrust to his face, then traverse right, pulling your hand back to then thrust to his flank. As you make this step, cover his sword with your buckler, which will then allow you to redouble with a fendente to the head as your left foot comes behind your right.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 15)

Offensive Combination Using Thrust & Tramazzone Combination
Step forward with your right foot and throw a penetrating thrust at him, redouble with a tramazzone.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 15)

Offensive Combination Using Thrust, Tramazzoni & Montante Combination
Push a thrust to the enemy’s sword hand, covering your sword hand with your buckler. Immediately redouble with two tramazzoni to the head, and then slip the right foot back to the left throwing a montante that ends in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offences Initiated With Riverso

Attack With Riverso And Tramazzone Combination
Step forward with your right foot, and throw a riverso to his head. Redouble with a tramazzone.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 15)

Offences Initiated With Falso

Offensive Combination Using Falso & Riverso Combination
Attack with a falso and a riverso.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 15)

Offensive Combination Using Falso & Mandritto Combination
Gather forward with your left foot, throwing a rising falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia. Immediately step forward throwing a mandritto traversale to the face, ending in Porta di Ferro.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 15 & Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using a Falso & Tramazzone Combination
Step forward with your right foot, throwing a rising falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia. Redouble with a tramazzone.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 15)

Offensive Action With Falso
Step forward with your right foot, throwing a falso that ends in Guardia Alta.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 15)

Offensive Combination Using Falso & Slip
Throw a rising falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia. Pass back with your right foot, ending in Coda Lunga Alta.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Falso Beat Feint, Stocatta, Riverso, Falso & Mandritto Combination
Feint with a false edge beat to the sword, and then when the enemy moves to block it, thrust under his sword with a stoccata to the face. If the enemy moves to parry the thrust, cut to the right thigh with a riverso. For your safety, redouble with a falso to the sword hand, and a mandritto to the face, ending in Porta di Ferro Larga.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Falso, Fendente & Tramazzoni
Gather forward with the left foot, throwing a falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia. Redouble by passing right, and throwing a fendente to the head that begins by first raising the sword hand into Guardia Alta. Follow with two tramazzoni to the face, defending the head with your buckler.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Falso and Riverso
Gather forward with the left foot throwing a falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia, accompanied with the buckler. Immediately redouble by stepping forward with the right foot, throwing a riverso to the face that ends in Coda Lunga Stretta, defending the head with the buckler.
(Libro 2, 3rd Assault)

Offensive Combination Using Falso and Mandritto & Falso and Riverso
From Porta di Ferro Larga you can throw a falso & mandritto, redoubling with a falso and riverso
(Libro 4, Capitolo 10)

Offensive Combination Using Falso And Counterthrust Against A Left-Handed Person
Gather forward throwing a falso that ends in Guardia di Faccia, and then pass left and make a half turn of the fist delivering a thrust to the face or chest. This will defend against any blow made by a left handed person.
(Libro 4, Capitolo 10)

The Described Defensive Plays For Porta di Ferro Larga

Defence Against Attacks Initiated With The Thrust

Parry Riposte Against The Double Thrust And Fendente Combination
When your enemy throws the first thrust, parry it with the false edge, and when he makes the second thrust parry it with the true edge. When he redoubles with the fendente to the head, stifle the blow with Guardia di Faccia, then throw a riverso to the thigh.

(This additional sequence was not elucidated by Manciolino in the offence) When the enemy passes left to give you a falso to the face, parry the blow with a falso.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 16)

False Edge Parry And Counterattack Against The Stoccata And Tramazzone Combination
When he throws the stoccata, parry it with a falso. When he throws the tramazzone, step left with your left foot and throw a tramazzone to his sword arm bringing your right leg behind your left.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 16)

Defence Against Descending Blows

Buckler Parry And Riposte Against The Head Blow
When the enemy throws a blow to your head, pass forward with the left foot into Coda Lunga Alta, parrying the blow with your buckler. Riposte with falso across the left temple, ending in Sotto di Braccio.
(Libro 2, 2nd Assault)

Defence Against Attacks Initiated With Mandritto

Parry And Riposte Against The Mandritto
When the enemy throws a mandritto to the head, parry with the false edge and riposte with a mandritto to the face.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 18)

Defence Against Attacks Initiated With Riverso

Parry And Riposte Against The Riverso
When the enemy passes to throw a riverso, parry the blow by going into Guardia di Testa. Riposte with a mandritto to the face or leg.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 16)

Defence Against Attacks Initiated With Falso

False Edge Parry And Counterattack Ag_inst The Falso & Riverso Combination
When the enemy throws the falso, parry with a rising falso, and then when the enemy throws the riverso, counterattack with a mandritto to the left temple.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 16)

Deceive Then Attack Into Preparation Against The Falso And Mandritto Combination
When the enemy throws the falso, feint to parry with a falso, but deceive the blow by pulling the sword hand back to yourself, and then as your enemy throws the mandritto, thrust to their face, and immediately redouble with a riverso to the head as you pass left.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 16)

Slip Against The Full Cut Falso
When the enemy throws a falso that goes into Guardia Alta, avoid the blow allowing it to go into empty space.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 16)

Parry And Counterthrust Against The Falso & Tramazzone Combination
When the enemy throws a falso to your face, extend into Guardia di Faccia. When the enemy turns the tramazzone, you will go with your sword into Guardia di Faccia to stifle the blow.
(Libro 1, Capitolo 16)


The initial extension into Guardia di Faccia is most probably a false edge parry. The second counter in Guardia di Faccia may also just be a simple turn of the hand to close the line, or a disengage under the blow to stifle the tramazzone.

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